Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Divorce is an ugly ugly animal, it is like a tsunami that destroys all in its path; I am always amazed how quickly and venomously love turns to acidic hate. No truer statement was ever made than, "there's a thin line between love and hate". The battle scars never quite heal, and seem to last a lifetime. No matter how many detoxes, spa treatments, beach bodies, or self reinventions empower us; there is a tiny switch turned off that honestly will take a small army to flip back to "normal". I had an extremely rough day yesterday with Boy 3, then Boy 1 got pulled in with all of  his big brother experience. Every year without fail they all start to feel themselves, and become the authority on whats best for them, and then say "I'll be 18 so I can make my own decisions".

You would think that I would react differently....but noooo. I turn into a perimenopausal screeching nutcase,and have a meltdown mixed with a door slamming hot flash; that ends inside of a glass (or 2) of Cabernet, while I cry to my girls on a conference call (I think they give the same answer every Only to realize the next day that it will all work itself out. Of course after the "you hurt mommy's feelings" 24 hour silent treatment...I am an adult, I am an adult, I am an adult!
 Boy 3: walks in to inform me that he is applying for a retail job as well as the one at Subway, because he's sure that I would rather get 40% off of shoes.
Me: is that his way of apologizing? Jeezus peezus hes such a freaking man- boy ugh!!!!

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