Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pandemic first 3 weeks in Summary


This morning I was sitting here thinking about how my morning routine has changed, after meditation and prayer, it now consists of a nasal rinse, a mouth, throat, and gargle thingy, and drinking at least 12 ounces of water! Then wash my face and brush my teeth...(somedays that is all I do for hours) that's all before I leave my bedroom!

Oh, Good morning WORLD! I feel surprisingly good, as I a whether this storm and adjust like many of my fellow humans to "A NEW NORMAL"...

Once I leave the bedroom I head to the kitchen where I make something hot! Usually, I cut a fresh lemon, and take out the honey; or make tea from a mix of herbs like mullein slippery elm echinacea and goldenseal and peppermint, some days its ginger tea, or lemon garlic and cayenne! It is only after that sometime later I eat something and make COFFEE!!!

In between the drinking and some times even before I wash and brush,,, I MOVE my body! I do yoga, I hula hoop, I work with my exercise ball, stretch bands, and brave the pollen that I am severely allergic to.


Then it's time to boot up and jump online for work! Dawning pj's or yoga pants, and a tank top or my favorite sweatshirt; where I might add I am far more productive in less than 8 hours at home than I am in my actual office; now don't get me wrong you won't find a colleague I've ever worked with, an employer or client I've ever worked for, who will say I am anything but a HARDWORKING!

I am kicking ASS in this technology game! I am learning so much at work between Teams, Zoom and my first Google Classroom presentation! nevermind that the first week I was late on the team video conference in teams, couldn't get my mic right, then caused the echo...before we could get started..
I created a zoom session that will reach out to the families I work with! Even helped launch our new soc media pages! WOOHOO!!


This routine still beats the 130 minutes I sit in my car to drive a total of 72 to 80 miles in Atlanta traffic. Making lists of things I need to do,,,Finish my books, write daily on the blog, use my gym membership, go to yoga class, plan a date, start the book club, visit Sage to give Lily a break, write Jacob, check-in with my son Josh, check-in with my son El, Get moms' dinner, run mom to the store, incorporate monthly massages for my migraines....Oh and organize my closet, life, notebooks, computer files...LIFE!!!

YES, all of this seems like something 52-year-old college-educated, world-traveled, woman such as myself should already have mastered. WELL, I DIDN'T! I am a scribe who still scribbles in notebooks first and then I transfer them to the computer! I love it! Yes I use notes in my iPhone, and I have the Evernote and dragon...look if I could still use a typewriter I probably would...being a boy mom has certainly thrust me further along than I would be on my own.

(What have I accomplished in the last three weeks....)

  • Learning to master Zoom, and google classroom, because of the aforementioned handicaps...
  • I joined an online mediation group.
  • ..said yes toa webinar I am not fully prepared for at 5 no wait is it 6:00 p.m. today! πŸ˜“
  • I've done a lot of fucking grocery shopping
  • .....created my home office again, (Sun1 currently resides in my old one), 
  • ORGANIZED MY CLOSET..well mostly! (finally saw the floor in all four corners, to take that back 3 corners!
  • I m continuing to read and determined to finish Becoming, I'm also reading two work-related books, and Women Who Run with the Wolves!
  •  Facetimed my grandson Sage when I couldn't see him because I was scared I had the virus ( oh yeah someone I work with tested positive) 
  • I enrolled in two online classes through edx at Harvard ( hopefully I'm not kicked out because I haven't done work in a week)
  • I'm exercising more regularly 
  • I'm eating much healthier
  • I'm drinking less alcohol...most days
  • I HAVE ATTENDED 3 AND HOSTED 1 VIRTUAL HAPPY HOURS, ATTENDED THREE DANCE PARTIES, AND A PAJAMA PARTY! Hell, I've partied more in the last 3 weeks online than I have the last three years in person!


I actually asked someone to help me and should have at least the landing page of my new website completed today! Most of all I am turning tragedy into triumph, conquering fears, making gains against the spirit of procrastination, defeating depression, giving myself to live in my own way on my own terms!


Momma is doing well! Even though keeping her in the house has been a challenge! She needs this,, she needs that, she needs a new phone to stream church service on ( she had to throw God in there) well that broke her out because far be it from me to get in between her and Zion Hill! Amen goes there! We take turns running her errands and start going walking with her three days a week next week, and the boys alternate spending a night or day!


I have learned to 🌞Sun1 who lives with me in a new way, accepting that I have moved from Parenting a child into Advising an Adult. However, managing our coworking space has been nothing short of hilarious! like, for instance, the sign I put up on my coveted large sticky paper, yeah the name fails me now...explaining the cleanup procedures, snack allotment, cooking schedule, grocery runs, and isolation enforcement, momma runs, and wipe down/spray down measures cleansing rituals to be taken when entering the house from outside!

🌞Sun2 came to me with an alternate plan for his derailed college career, (due to a family tragedy)
and I could not be more proud of the decisions that he is making by taking charge of his own life, instead of waiting for ques from his parents!!

Learning to live through the pain of 🌞Sun3 being imprisoned, and not only being a grandmother and a kind of Co-parent if you will. Yes! I am worried about Jacob, this has been a two-year journey (battle) through the court system! While I have entered into the phase of acceptance, I am still processing it all! Another story for another day soon! However I am enjoying getting to know my "grandsons" mother better, she is such a great mom, breastfeeding him keeping him safe and healthy and most of all happy and well adjusted!

SAGEπŸ‘ΆπŸŒž spending time and money with and on my first grand, I am so grateful to Jacob and Lily for giving us him! He has been my joy, and quite honestly my life-support so that I would not drown in sorrow and pain! That's a lot of weight for a baby, but all he sees is how much I love him, and I return get kicks, squeals, coos, and smile of excited when I see him. I am HIS YAYA and for now, that's all that matters to US!

At last...I am praying that we all make it through this, I am sorry for the losses, and the trauma of isolation and depression, for all less fortunate who are struggling to survive this, for my friends who have lost jobs, investments, and lives. I will continue to press reset, to be better, to eliminate the toxins from my own body and mind and even my circle. I am finding ways to elevate while I isolate..crazy but I'm grateful for this time...I needed it!

I'm a MOM what's your superPOWER?

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