Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Expect the unexpected ...Momming 2.0 aka GRANDParenting

Today I took off work because I had some things that I needed to do for self-preservation. I don't know if it's just me, but work has ramped up in the last two weeks! While I was on a call with my mentor about a personal business project, my "baby momma" called to ask if I could take her and Sage to his 6th-month check-up.

Of course, I flipped my day on its head and set about the new order of things.
One awesome doctor visit, a grocery store parking lot babysitting gig, and an unexpected Mothers Day lunch treat! Wow-what a nice day, I held Sage while they poked and prodded him at the Pediatricians; he did pretty well until the cold stethoscope came out. Well, that was rude, don't worry Sage Yaya mean mugged her for you. However, I don't think the effect was felt because of the mask!

The trip wasn't as anxiety-filled as I had expected, and there were so few people out in Brookhaven! A beautiful sight indeed, most were masked and all respected Social Distancing...oh but the stares...
tsk tsk...Sages mean-mugging didn't help....LOL truly his parent's child!

There is an unimaginable joy in my heart as I grow y watching him grow, watching his mom love and raise him, as there is always a missing peace... (pun intended) a thing! And I love it!

( I wrote this 8/2/2020) ...and I am just publishing it...#COVID

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