Two weeks ago on my first real "Self-Care Sunday" in over a year, and by self-care I mean I slept past 7 and didn't wake up to baby Sage. this is how I captured my day!
It feels strange...I MISS him and the house has been quiet since momma went to church at 9. Neither of the Dream team is here, and I got to watch CBS Sunday morning all the way through. Don't judge me.
I had all of these plans of what I was going to do today and haven't accomplished half it! Stuck in my guilt and grief, but I promise today is the last damn day for that!💔
I needed a break and voiced that to the Universe, my Ancestors responded in ways I would have looked at as such! The next week Sage didn't eat breakfast Wednesday but felt and seemed fine so I took him to school. I got a call Friday to pick him with a fever, and off to the doctor he went. (I made the appointment and Papa took we make a great tag-team) Next thing I know baby has the FLU
We decided because of mom to keep Sage at Papa's which allowed me to get a little more rest, so Sunday I got a massage and rested more than had in a while! I felt bad that my baby was sick, but I took time to get in bed early and not go out to do anything. I stayed in and started cleaning closes purging drawers and writing to purge my mind!!!
It was a great weekend of research, restitution, and relaxation!!!
I'm Momumental what your superPOWER...
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