Sunday, January 10, 2016

From 30,000 feet

I haven't had a real vacation since I don't know when, definitely not within the last year, with so many freaking life changes. One promotion, two successful school years, one unsuccessful school year,one break up because of the promotion, one more failed dating attempt, two family deaths, one incarceration, several body changes and hot flashes later...ALL in all 2015 was pretty good to me, and I learned some life changing lessons.

Oh yeah back to the vacation. Before the devastating death of my mothers youngest sister, we planned a small vacation. Mom saw fit to invite me on her 11th annual trek to Vegas ( I must really be an adult ). I was very thankful that this invite came with a round trip ticket, and while all parents can be a royal pain in the @%$, I was excited to get away with my #1 Gurl. You see momma is a SAINT, and like other family members that have transitioned; my mother  has been at my aunts side for the last 5 months. Few of us can imagine watching the life of a younger sibling you cared for in your youth, slip way from life's grasp quickly and unexpectedly. Needless to say three days after the funeral, we took a much a necessary break from life PERIOD. I for one ZONED completely out.

After seeing the Dreamteam off to the Bahamas for the Holidays with dad, I dashed hurriedly in the opposite direction. Ahhh the three hour difference in time was just what the doctor ordered, I was experiencing stomach and chest pains when we first arrived, and feared the worst. After about 36 hours in bed, I felt a little better. ONLY I would go to "Sin City"to get some rest, and Only I would send children to a tropical Island and go to the cold desert. Well maybe not just me....I see you other momms nodding in

I decided to make my only trip to the strip on THE COLDEST DAY (45), I went inside of two marquee casinos, just for poops and giggles; because anybody no everybody that knows ME knows I DON'T GAMBLE. I'll have to check it out and do the tourist thing "soon as the weather breaks baby".  Thank you momma for a wonderful Christmas present, we could not have honored our dear sister and aunt in a better way, she loved it. Just as i promised, I did not cry as I spoke; but I sure as hell have cried some tears over the last few weeks...I love You auntie, this trip was dedicated to your lively and vibrant memory....MUAH


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