Homecoming for all colleges is significant, but more so for those of us who attended any of the nations HBCU's. These institutions may have been established in part to segregate us, but they helped propelled us to a collective greatness! While for some "our" intellect however high was not HIGH enough, no "disservice" was done to US. We Thank you!
These were new places to call home! We were celebrated and not merely tolerated, we could live our traditions and heritage out loud without apology or stares of peculiarity. We honored and were honored; we were proud to be students, and young women, and young men; without preempting it with "colored", "Negro", or "Black". We could instead identify as individuals from wherever we were from; because obvious to all of us was that we were black!
While these college campuses known as "our" worlds would only last a short time; this time would prove to be an incubation period of sorts. A world that churned out Great Intellects, Educators, Politicians, Artist, World leaders, Inventors, Athletes, Olympians, Game-changers, and all around great human beings. Who in many ways had been told they didn't have a chance, wouldn't be much, and were getting a "lesser" education at these Institutions of Higher learning!
When I look at my circle of friends who are products of these Schools, when I return to my Alma Mater CAU that gave so much to me; I am amazed at the good fortune we had to meet. I am filled with Happiness for an entire weekend at the endless sea of familiar faces, I am reminded of a time in my life most curious and carefree. I am centered and humbled that I was blessed with opportunities of others who were not as fortunate as I, but perhaps more deserving. I was reminded to be grateful and proud of the giant shoulders I stand upon in memory. It is a privilege not to be taken lightly! Until next year or the year after... I hope we can all keep a little piece of this love tucked in our hearts!
My mother is a proud Alumnus of Tennessee State University, I am a proud Alumnus of Clark
Atlanta University, and My youngest son proudly attends Howard University! I am more than excited that at least one of my three will be upholding this family tradition!
I'm a MOM whats your superPOWER
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