Sunday, January 8, 2023

If it was "It's not a sprint, its a marathon' were a person My face, my life would be the representation.

 So far this Sunday I have had meditation, stretching, lots of water (I'm tired of peeing😂) a nice book read, and coffee. I feel full, and as a I take a break to write ( reflect actually then a slight stress pause, refocus then write) I am reminded of the goodness of my life although I am keenly aware that many who know me see it as something to admire/pity and often say WTF...

I am lead to this thought...THE NEXT PHASE IS CALLED SEVERAL THINGS....

YOU got this, You have to go this leg alone (but you really aren't), Separation, Pulling back to go forward, Independent Villager, The Quiet Storm, Middle of the Road, Reclamation!!!

 It is called MINE, and MOST importantly I finally feel prepared💝📕☕

I'm a woman, what's your superPOWER

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