Sunday, January 14, 2018

As moms so much is expected of US.🙄 We are at best magical 🦄s.
Making all types of shit disappear beautifully...scrapes, cuts, exes, mean friends, bad teachers, bad bosses....but most of all our lives and personal agendas. We are the glue that holds everyone and everything together, even as we become UNDONE! Well today I decided to hold my damn self together. After allowing a playdate with a friend to be bulldozed off my very intentional and personal SUNDAY for a family meeting!

When I woke up this morning I decided to pull a them on them, I cancelled said meeting; opting instead to have a family meal.🚫 After all when Dad suggest these shits I'm the only one that speaks her mind, and then the kids are mad at me! It never goes the way he and I discussed in our secret squirrel 🐿 meeting. You know those meetings where parents, and co=parents discuss how you all are on the same page; because we kid ourselves into thinking that wields us some fakeass power. LOL

 I don't get to see my babies much since Boy1 and Boy 2 moved out together, and Boy3 is away in college. No I didn't feel like the aggravitation (aggravating irritation) I didn't feel like going over to their house, plus there is some pre-conversation to be had on the subject we wanted to approach. WHO are we kidding, hell everybody needs to be going to therapy! Thats where the family meetings should be held, we’ve lived some pretty colorful lives! So today I pulled a heist, and it felt  great! I actually took my time back for ME!

I'm a (magical unicorn) MOM whats your superPOWER✨

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