Sunday, June 17, 2018

Dear Dad,

I miss you sooo much!💔
Words cannot describe the whole in my heart that aches, and some days produces tears without warning! I know you prayed for me, and convinced momma to try again after the first baby was stillborn, I know you wanted a son to replace him; but you loved me more thatn anyone could ever imagine. I just wanted to say thank you for spending so much valuable time with me when I was growing up; thank you for not letting a divorce, and a move to another state state break our bond. I still love to get up on Saturday morning and go to breakfast, honoring our tradition. I still reach to pick up the phone and want to update you on the grandsons you loved so much, I need to be able to get that good old wisdom you could drop in an instant.

You were by far the smartest man I had ever known, the sharpest and the wittiest. The  boys and I speak fondly of you often, remembering the time we spent when you came to live with us! You know that was one of the amazing highlights of our lives. I see you in each of them, and I know you are proud of them. We laughed at the fact I had given birth to three sons, me the spoiled litte daddy's girl! Who wouldve thought? El always wears one of your fadoras, and I look up and see you in his brings me such joy! Momma and I also have a good laugh or two at the memory of we both loved you, and how you fiercely protected me from a baby! Remember when Tony stole my bike, and you came on the porch with your boxers and a gun? Nevermind we were only 10👀

I have dropped a few tears this morning, but I am grateful that you were here! Grateful that I had a father, that I felt and knew your presence, that I KNOW you loved me becaue you said it often and showed it more. Yes I miss your physical presence, but I feel your spirit often; I see your life manifesting in my sons, I here your wisdom flow from mouth. Today I honor that which you loved, my writing; and I honor that by restarting the blog on a day made to honor you!

Love Always Babygirl💕

I'm a mom and you gave me my SUPERpower!

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